Sunday, December 5, 2010

Music Classes for Toddlers: A Top Ten List

Congratulations! You are here today because you have made the first step in considering early childhood education through music classes for your baby or toddler. The education of your children is a matter that should not be taken lightly and you certainly don't want to waste your money on a potentially frustrating experience. There are so many classes and programs out there to choose from, so you'll want to do your homework! A little extra effort on your part could save a lot of hassle and regret down the road. Kindermusik classes provide your child with an excellent foundation for learning that is manifest not only in the classroom, but where the most important learning takes home! Kindermusik provides only quality home materials that when used in correlation with the aid of a music professional, can and will increase reading skills, mathematical components such as spacial reasoning, build confidence through a supportive peer group and strengthen the most important bond between parent and child. The Kindermusik philosophy embraces the family relationship and is dedicated to fostering that special relationship so that children have an amazing foundation to grow from. That's why over thirty years of careful and dedicated research have gone into creating a top-notch program. Below is a "Top Ten List" to help you find the RIGHT teacher for your child. When looking for a qualified instructor, there are many things to consider. Let this serve as a guide that I, not only as an educator, but also as a mother of three would be looking for in a music teacher:
1. Reliability - The success of music education is, like anything, dependent on a teacher's ability to BE THERE WHEN NEEDED! Have you gotten the run-around lately? Is no one returning your calls? This could be perhaps due to the teacher's lack of reliability. A teacher cannot expect results from a student at any age when they themselves do not exhibit patterns of reliability.
2. Got the chops? - You wouldn't hire a mechanic to cater your party. Why? Because they're just not qualified!! MANY people LOVE music, have a passion for it...well, because it's great! However, this love of music should not be confused with musical expertise. A great rule of thumb when hiring a music teacher should be first and foremost to ask that person to play their instrument or sing for you. A qualified teacher will have no problem sharing their talents. Someone who is maybe not so qualified will hesitate upon this request. You be the judge!
3. Passion for Music - You've got to love this business to be in it!
4. Credibility - Is your child's teacher certified or does she/he hold any special licensing that requires regular continuing education or childhood development courses? Does your child's teacher know how to manage a classroom?
5. Proven Success - Do students return to this teacher? Have you talked with any other parents in the studio or community?
6. Caring Attitude - Music can be challenging at any level. A good teacher will provide a clear set of expectations and also be flexible. Every student, every situation is individualized and a good teacher will recognize this.
7. Determination - I have heard so many people in their adult life reflect back on negative experiences with music teachers. I often hear "my teacher told me I was hopeless...that I couldn't sing....that I should consider "something else." EVERY PERSON has a musical capacity. A good teacher will point out the positives and work diligently to eliminate any negative components. A lazy teacher will point out that her students are the lazy ones.
8. Goal-Oriented - Does your child's teacher set attainable goals for your student? This could be at any level, whether it's taking a few extra seconds in a classroom environment to make sure a child shares an instrument with the person sitting next to them or puts things away appropriately, to an older instrumental student who is expected to practice daily. The bottom line is...does the teacher's students know what is expected of them? A child cannot be expected to succeed when they do not know what the expectations are to begin with!
9. Organized & timely - Does your child's teacher seem prepared? Does it seem like your child's teacher is "just winging it?" or does the teacher seem comfortable with the materials they are teaching. Family life is busy, and a music lesson can be one stop on a long chain of many appointments for the day. A good teacher will respect time limitations for everyone involved.
10. Good with children - Just because someone can play an instrument or sing like a bird does NOT make them good with children! Look for certified, licensed teachers who have a PROVEN background history of working with children in your child's age group. When visiting a class for the first time, look for clues that indicate interaction with your child. Does the teacher call the children by name? Does the teacher make eye contact with every student? Does the teacher communicate at the level of the children in a language they can understand?
Please use this set of guidelines as a help in making that crucial decision and allowing someone to enter the life of your child.
Kindermusik classes are now enrolling with sessions starting in January. Contact your local educator today to see how music classes for your baby or toddler can benefit your family. For more information please contact or call anytime at 561-222-9952.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Giving Thanks for the Benefits of Kindermusik

In today's troubled economy I find it difficult at times to be thankful when there are so many people struggling in our country. I am often reminded of the things I don't have. There never seems to be enough money to make it to the end of the month, my children all wear hand-me-downs, my husband is struggling to find a permanent job that pays what his skills are actually worth, and as a music teacher my profession has been one of the "cut-backs" most families cannot afford right now. In the midst of set-backs and struggles, one thing has remained belief in the value and power of music.
Yesterday was a particularly troubling day for me as I woke up because lately a string of unlucky events has put my family in a financial and emotional bind. As I pulled myself together and made my way to my Kindermusik classroom I was greeted by five precious two-year olds who have no idea what an economy is, and that's when a phenomenal change occurred for me for which I am most grateful today. Sometimes in all walks of life we have to experience a low before we can truly appreciate the many gifts we have, those gifts that exceed monetary value. One of those gifts is a very dear student of mine who has touched my life tremendously. I'd like to introduce you to this very dear student, who I'll call Jacob, for the sake of privacy. Jacob is a precious 20-month old little boy with rosy cheeks and curly hair who most people would label "special". I hesitate to use that word, because in my mind ALL children are special. Every child has strengths and weaknesses, challenges and triumphs. Jacob is one of my scholarship students who receives Kindermusik as part of his therapy program. He was born nearly three months premature with improper lung development and has experienced an array of challenges since birth. If there are any parents out there who have children who have had setbacks or developmental delays...please keep reading.
Several months ago I became familiar with an outstanding scholarship program Kindermusik provides called the Ruth D. Anderson Children's Fund. This is a special fund which gives free home materials to children who are experiencing special needs, whose families might not be able to afford music classes, and children who have lost a parent. In return, Kindermusik educators all over the world donate their time and talents by taking these students into their classrooms free of tuition charges. When I learned about this program there was no question in my mind that I should pursue this. Immediately, I began thinking who to approach, when and what was "appropriate." Thankfully, both my parents are alive and well, but I tragically lost my big sister eight years ago this week. I have seen the devastation losing a child can cause in a family, and I cannot begin to imagine what a very young child who has lost a parent must feel. Abandoned? Confused? Alone? The list goes on....and so I felt a strong call to urgency to do something to help those helpless children who have lost their guiding hands. Well, that was only one aspect of the program. There were others...children who had developmental delays. My youngest daughter, who is now four years old, suffered from a speech delay. At the age of two she could not even utter the sounds "ma-ma" and so, at the end of my rope, feeling saddened, frustrated and bewildered, I turned to my pediatrician for help. He immediately set me up with the Florida Early Steps Program. Within just a few months after receiving therapies in our home, her vocabulary blossomed and the tears started to fade away. And so, I contacted the Early Steps Program and asked them if they could provide me with information on how to help children through this scholarship fund. Jacob's mother was one of four who stepped forward and is now receiving Kindermusik through this program.
Jacob began classes as a Village (newborns - 18 months) student. Although he was old enough when he started to attend the older Our Time class, both his mother and I felt it would be better to put him in with younger children, as we has not yet talking too much, not crawling, and she didn't want him to feel different than the other children. He did well in the class, and although some days he was the only one in the class, she continued to bring him and we sang, danced and played our way through each hour. After a few weeks, she noticed that as soon as they would turn into the parking lot, Jacob recognized where he was going and would smile and clap. He started gaining confidence during class and would always clap for himself when completing an activity. About halfway through the session, Jacob got sick. He was experiencing complications from the steroid medication he received as a premature baby and was having trouble holding food down. He missed class, and when he returned we had to carefully rock him and dance "gently" so he wouldn't throw-up during class. Well, he started feeling better but he still wasn't crawling or talking. Mom said he would babble at home, but not around others. He would only "scoot" for mobility. Two weeks ago I decided perhaps it would be best to let him graduate into the Our Time class (18 months - 3 years). The results have been amazing.
Last week, during his first Our Time class, Jacob took his very first step! Yesterday, he was walking around the classroom and kept up with the others in our circle dance! He also had LOTS to say!!! Jacob is now a confident young toddler whose vocabulary is flourishing, has learned to walk, and has a very happy and proud mother. Today, I still have problems. I still have bills I can't pay. I still miss my family members who have left this earth, but today I have something that's been missing for quite some time...a new attitude. As my preacher says... "an attitude of gratitude." My life IS different because I have made a difference in the life of a child. Thank you, Kindermusik, for the many benefits given to children and their parents around the world each day. Without these wonderful and unique opportunities in our world, children might not receive the good beginning they so richly deserve and at least for me....that will never end.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Give the Gift of Music

Music and the holidays go hand in hand, and with the holiday season officially upon us, it is refreshing to know there are many resources available at our finger tips. Wether you are a serious musician, a novice, or just someone who has a music teacher or musician on their shopping list this year, giving the gift of music is now easier than ever before. If you're a parent or grandparent of a young child who LOVES music and dancing, consider shopping the online Kindermusik store this holiday season. At just click on the last tab on your right and you will find a wealth of quality instruments and items for creative development to fill a stocking with musical delights. Kindermusik remains the world's leading program of developmentally appropriate music and movement classes for children. The Kindermusik philosophy embraces parental involvement at home. What better gift to give to your child then the gift of sharing music together? If you've got someone a little older on your list, a favorite music teacher from school, a budding young musician, music director at church, or simply a music-lover you know, the number one resource for music and musical gifts online can be found at Prima Music delivers oustanding features for online customers, such as sheet music with viewing capabilites, novelty music gift items, studio management tools, and great deals for studio teachers. Clearly organized and beautifully designed, Prima Music saves customers time and money by delivering quality customer service at the touch of a button. Visit today for all your holiday music needs and gift items. Enjoy shopping this season from the comfort of your home. Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Music Makes Children Happy

The benefits of music for children are far-reaching. Research has proven that music has been found to enhance verbal skills and spatial-temporal reasoning. Children who are exposed to music at an early age are developing literacy skills that will propel them into their school years. It is for these reasons and countless others that we continue to provide meaningful musical enrichment for our youth today. While reading an article recently by Karen Wright, I came across an interesting point she made with regards to music and intelligence. "It does not make you smarter, but instead provides you with an ideal environment for thinking." With all the best intentions, dreams and aspirations we may have for our children, it is all but for one culminating happy child.
Far beyond the academic benefits music gives to our children are the emotional benefits that bring out smiles time and again. Music therapy has been used for many years now as a highly effective treatment for depression and also for pain relief. This speaks highly to the many positive benefits music can play in our lives. We now know today that early intervention plays a primary role in developing a happy, healthy, and productive lifestyle. Every parent has a responsibility not only to provide the basic necessities of life, but also create a nurturing environment where a child can feel calm and content, safe and joyful.
Integrating music that children love to hear, whether it's a favorite song from a movie, a song they heard someone play for them, or a mother's tender lullaby, is a simple way to maintain a happy home. Kindermusik provides a wonderful website for families, whether you're enrolled in a class or not. Just go to to browse a huge selection of children's music by category and age for download. When stress factors start to arise at home or even in the car, turn on your favorite song and see what happens. Smiles are contagious...go catch one!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Singing to Babies Builds Lasting Foundations

One of the most delightful things about singing to a classroom of babies in a Kindermusik class is watching the joyful expressions these young children exhibit again & again through music and movement activities. Parent involvement at home is one of the key components of the Kindermusik program. It doesn't matter if you are a wonderful singer, or even if you think you can't carry a tune, your baby loves the sound of your voice more than any other. Singing a silly song around the house by incorporating specific names and labels for what you are doing throughout your daily routine is a memorable, soothing, and fun activity for your baby. When learning is presented in a multi-sensory environment neural connections are made that actually help your baby to build balance, coordination & confidence. It's a win-win! A very young baby from birth to six months will often respond will full body movements and happy little wiggles. Babies at this age prefer the sound of a familiar voice and will look for that. A slightly older baby from 6 months to one year will be able to grasp a rattle to shake with the music and they will often clap. This movement should be encouraged and is very exciting for the infant to experience. By the age of one year hand-eye coordination is increased and a baby can have a full understanding of a drum or keyboard instrument and understand how to produce the sound. How exciting! In the Kindermusik Village class a blending of ages from newborn - 18 months lets children learn through following the examples of peers, taking on leadership roles, and maintaining an emotional balance with the ever-present support of a loving caregiver. These are all qualities we strive to teach our children at home and in school. Attending Kindermusik classes is a wonderful option for parents who are looking for an excellent musical foundation with benefits that will affect the total child.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Music Helps to Break the Rhythm of the Daily Grind

Many, if not all, parents are familiar with "the daily grind". Alarm clocks followed by pet spills, grumpy children, spilled orange juice, dishes, laundry, jobs, and WHERE ARE MY KEYS? Throw a baby into the mixture and it's easy to find yourself in the midst of what we know as "the daily grind." Children as well as adults often become frustrated by these daily tasks which surround our lives. Incorporating music into everyday activities can make these normally mundane tasks fun and exciting for any busy family. A major component of the Kindermusik Village class is incorporating routines and rituals into the rhythm of baby's days. A child who normally becomes fussy or challenging during a diaper change will quickly learn a new behavior when a favorite song, nursery rhyme, or simple game is introduced after every changing. Babies learn through repetition and are at a stage developmentally when constant comfort and reassurance is needed. By incorporating this repeating pattern with music and rhythmic patterns, a baby is comforted by knowing what to expect and look forward to at the end of the task. For a slightly older child an excellent way to incorporate music in the daily routine is to use songs which promote self-care. The Kindermusik Our Time Class is centered around the emerging toddler, a child who is experiencing great emotional turbulence and has a strong desire to do things "by myself!" Using songs and vocal plays that teach children how to brush their teeth, pick up toys, and get dressed by themselves give the young toddler a much needed boost of confidence. Still, older children can benefit from the use of music throughout the day. A simple example is making clean-up time, either in the kitchen or bath, by using a song about bubbles! All of a sudden, a task that was a "requirement" is now a joyful expression through music. Parents can find an excellent selection of songs to download and play at home or on the go at http:/ Enjoy the music!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Babies in Jupiter and Palm Beach Love Music Time!

There are so many reasons for babies and moms to love music. Not only is music so incredibly fun, Kindermusik classes for babies and toddlers in Jupiter and Palm Beach provide a supportive community of parents and babies that share and care for one another. There is no other time in our lives when we need affirmation, education, support, and community more than as new parents. Parents strive to know if their child is developing "normally" and seek out affirmation for making "the right choices" when it comes to raising fragile young minds and eager bodies!
In the Kindermusik classroom, particularly the babies Village class, there is a multi-age atmosphere where little ones are changing more rapidly than at any other time in their development. Therefore, a wide range of choices are presented for each activity so that parents can creatively and successfully engage babies that are very young lap babies to babies that are walkers already. Through a variety of activities such as interactive dancing, instrument and vocal play, and multi-sensory learning activities, families experience the joy of music in a trusting atmosphere where children are nourished and parents are encouraged.
Classes are now enrolling for the Fall Session of Kindermusik Classes which will be held in Tequesta. Anyone interested should view to learn more about the world's leading music and movement program for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and big kids right here in Jupiter, Tequesta and Palm Beach.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Music To A Mother's Ears

Exposure to music at an early age can offer children emotional and educational benefits that can last a lifetime...and that is music to a mother's ears! When a baby is born the brain is in an unfinished state. The development that takes place during the first year of life is phenomenal. Research has proven that music plays a vital role in brain development. However, just exposing children to music isn't quite enough! As with anything, active participation must take place for the child to reap the benefits of music. In other words, it is not enough to simply play music for your baby. Young children respond to interactive behaviors. Because a very young child does not know how to play an instrument or sing, these behaviors must be learned. Many parents are quite uneasy about their own musical abilities and therefore do not engage their children actively in musical activities such as singing and instrument play. It is important to remember that a child's first love is their parent's voice. Babies are not yet aware of tonal imperfections or lack of ability to keep a steady beat. Babies are very much aware, on the other hand, of the amount of attention and engaging activity they receive from their parents and/or caretakers. In other words, put your fears aside and sing and play with your baby! Attending music classes, such as Kindermusik, provides a unique group environment in which all levels and abilities of musical talent are embraced and nurtured in a family-centered environment. It is important to remember that Kindermusik may not be churning out young Mozarts, but it is a program that trains the eye, ear and hand to work coordinately while celebrating the child's achievements in a non-stressful, supportive environment. Many people are worried that starting a music class with a baby may be a bit "too soon". I truly believe that music is an essential need that children must be given. Just because a baby cannot eat by himself or walk yet does not deny him the need to have food or to move around. It is the responsibility of the parent to provide these unique opportunites so that learning pathways can be properly established at an early age. Try a class today! You'll be glad you did and best of all, your child will thank you for it! More information can be found about Kindermusik at

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Palm Beach Scholarship Winners Announced for Music Classes that Benefit Children

There are four local winners in this year's Ruth D. Anderson Children's Fund, a scholarship program through Kindermusik that provides a full year of home materials for music classes that benefit children who are physically or emotionally challenged, who are financially or educationally disadvantaged, who have physical disabilities, or who have lost a parent. In return of this generous contribution provided by the Childen's Fund, Kindermusik educators worldwide give of their time, talents and efforts to provide free tuition for these families in addition to the selection of the applicants through the approval process. This year's winners in the Ruth D. Anderson Scholarship from Palm Beach County are families that receive speech/behavioral and other therapies through the Florida Early Steps Program. These families will attend Kindermusik classes with Crystal Davis for their babies and toddlers at the Craig Wich Studio of Performing Arts in Tequesta, a non-profit organization which is dedicated to the professional study of musical arts. This year, over $43,000 will be distributed to families worldwide through the efforts of caring and dedicated Kindermusik educators. This amazing cooperation will allow over 500 children with unique needs to receive the proven developmental benefits from music classes for young children. Kindermusik with Crystal is now enrolling students ages newborn through seven years for the upcoming school year for classes that will begin August 24.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

They Say It Takes A Village

They say it takes a village to raise a child, and I couldn't agree more! The Kindermusik Village is a unique parent/child experience in which joyful participation of music is embraced through the special bond we share with our children the first year and a half of life. More than a class, it's a philosophy that is literally played out through age appropriate, child centered activities, excellent materials & encourages children to succeed in the process of learning through parental involvement & support.
In a Kindermusik Village class, parents can expect to be actively engaged in singing, chanting and reciting songs & nursery rhymes as well as vocal play. These types of activites encourage children to comprehend the beauty of the human voice and helps the vocal articulation associated with reciting & reading aloud. Direct eye contact between parent & child is encouraged because it has been found that adults who vocalize and smile frequently have babies who behave the same way.
Movement and intentional touch are components of the Kindermusik Village which are carried out rhythmically in group fashion. Research from the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami Medical School tell us that "baby massage provides astonishing emotional and developmental benefits for your little one. Touch is as important as sleeping and eating." Intentional touch has direct benefits such as improved circulation, stress reduction, development of positive relationships, & helps induce sleep. It is never too early to begin this activity with your baby. Movement provides children ways to learn about themselves in the world. In the Village environment, children are being moved through space while being held generally. Movement may take many forms. Positioning babies in a variety of different perspectives allows for development of the eyes and understanding of space and balance. Every time a baby's position is changed, new neural connections are being formed in the brain. Repeating these actions in a Village class strengthens those connections and learning takes place. Parents can expect synchronized movement activities with instrument play, group dances and circle games & most importantly expressive movement. It is through the use of expressive movement that a sense of total involvement & connectedness takes place.
A Kindermusik Village class also incorporates the use of literature as a way for parents to use the voice expressively. Rhythmic interaction with the book & baby is encouraged and vocal play is used frequently. Babies love repetition, so we'll be reading the same book for several weeks! Reading to children the same way each time creates a wonderful feeling of excitement and anticipation for them to enjoy again & again.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Benefits of Expressive Reading with Your Baby

One of the most important elements of the Kindermusik home materials is the literature that comes with each curriculum set. Creative and colorfully constructed, each book is merely a visual guide to the many distinct variations you will want to explore while sharing storytime with your little one. Reading to your baby in a creative, expressive manner helps your baby develop a solid emotional foundation. Exploring a variety of sounds and variations between vocal pitches exposes your baby to a stimulating environment which fosters communication and social development. This becomes evident when your baby starts to point, touch and ask questions about the book you are sharing together.  Babies develop thinking skills by repetition and imitation. These are two basic components we see again and again in musical forms as well. It is only natural, therefore that we make a conscious effort to enhance and stimulate the young child's environment by the combination of these two elements. This is further enhanced when your baby starts to recognize images and mimic the rhythms of your voice. It is important to remember that you are helping to make a learning connection between the two things your baby loves the most...the sound of the mother's voice and a feeling of closeness, togetherness. When reading to baby,  remember to read expressively, read beyond the words...including vocal play and time for discovery. It is a mother's treasure to hear her child's first words and feelings. Storytime provides young children with a good foundation for a healthy emotional development. Take the time... make the time to read with your baby!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Kindermusik Concepts and Learning Theories for the Preschool Age Child

Kindermusik for the preschool-age child is a combination of three major concepts and learning theories, which are 1)Pretend play experienced through play, 2)Valuing music through the social functions of musical communities , and  3)Constructivism, a theory based on the philosophies of Piage and Vygotsky. We see these applications at work in the Kindermusik classroom with the Imagine That! curriculum as well as the Kindermusik Adventures series for this age group, Confetti Days! Part of building a successful, world-wide program is the research and feedback that stands as the ultimate foundation for learning. Each of these topics covers the broad spectrum of imagination & creativity your preschooler is experiencing right now!
Pretend play is based upon a child's real life experiences and s a bridge to the creative thinking strategies that develop language, sensory, motor and cognitive skills. Children construct their understandings of the world and themselves through play. In the Kindermusik classroom, pretend play activities are strategically integrated with the music, vocal development, storytelling, listening, movement and literacy aspects of each lesson plan.
Valuing music is best described through the words of Douglas R. Bartholomeww, "Music provides ambiances for times alone and with others. It can tap into our deepest emotions and extend our range of feelings. No words are needed to experience these feelings and sensations that can lead us to ponder mysteries and wonders, both great and small." The musical experiences in the Kindermusik classroom provide connections between people, identify people within a social framework, and coordinate social function. Through these connections, music fosters a sense of community among groups of people.
Constructivisn in the classroom is based on the philosphies of Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934), a Russian educator and psychologist and Jean Piaget (1896-1980), a Swiss reseracher and scholar in psychology and sociology. According to Vygotsky, a child constructs his own understanding of the world through social interaction and experience with others. Vygotsky stressed the adult's role in assisting children with collaborative learning and the use of language as a critical tool in this process. Piaget's study of children and cognitive development has greatly influenced education theory and practice. According to Piaget, a child's understanding of the world results from his interaction with the physical and social environment. The application of this theory results in the Kindermusik setting which is rich with opportunities to explore, experiment, create & have fun within a supportive network of family and friends.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kindermusik Adventures Summer Camp Programs

Summer is almost here and Kindermusik with Crystal at the Craig Wich Studio of Performing Arts in Tequesta is getting ready for Summer Camp Programs! There are a variety of options parents can choose from the Kindermusik Adventures Curriculum Series.
The summer session will be kicking our shoes off the second week in June with Peek-A-Boo I Love You! This is a wonderful, creative bonding time for babies & mothers to connect within the community.  Rock and roll, tickle and hum with a fun and energetic music time with baby.
Traveling up the learning ladder, we have Creatures at the Ocean for the toddlers ages 18 months - 3 years. This is an exciting time of wonder & discovery as we travel through ocean songs, instrument play, creative stories & fun snacks together with friends!
One of my absolute favorite programs this summer involves the 3 - 5 year olds in the Confetti Days Class. This fabulous class centers around the big top circus adventure where we imagine & play five very special classes together. The Confetti Days will also be invited to join the Lunch Club every day we meet for some additional summer fun with Kindermusik.
This July we will be kicking off the Tell Me A Tale Class for 4 - 7 year olds. This camp is offered in a more traditional summer camp style, with early care & extended hours available for working parents. With a focus on creative storytelling & early instrumental skills, these young children will be guided through an amazing one-week summer journey that will provide an enriching & imaginative musical playground.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What Kindermusik has taught me

Today's topic encompasses a deeply personal subject. One of today's class inspirations for my Village Dewdrops class was "We learn by teaching." I stopped for a moment in my busy morning preparations to reflect upon that statement and what it means to me. For a moment it seemed backwards to me. Don't we teach to learn? And then I had a realization...children teach US!
As a Kindermusik educator, I am constantly surrounded by eager children, ready to learn & follow with joy and enthusiasm for music....most of the time. Sometimes, as with all things in life, something gets thrown my way that I'm not expecting. Wether it's a child who is having a bad day, a student who gets their feelings hurt, or even an unexpected illness or accident that befalls us all at certain times in life. Today I will share my own experience as a mother of a very active toddler & also as an educator. Last week my very active toddler threw an instrument at me & gave me quite a bruiser on my chin during classtime. Wow! That was unexpected!!! It was at that moment that I realized, while grasping on to my chin & trying to "maintain my cool, collected composure" , that I had the opportunity to redirect my own child in a positive manner for others to see. And that's what I did. And we all left class with a smile on our faces. She learned that was inappropriate. Did she mean to hurt me? Of course not! She was eager, excited & having fun. Our job as parents and teachers is to somehow bottle that energy, that whirlwind of excitement and eagerness, and make it useful. So, although it was difficult for me, I'm glad that I was able to "maintain my cool". This past week at home we have had several successes I am proud to share. From the potty to the playground....things are going well! And today I looked at my bruise on my chin and I smiled. I'm glad she was having fun & more than anything I'm so glad she has learned a safety lesson! I feel blessed to have a job I love and an environment where I can embrace my children, their trials and their troubles.
Sometimes life gives us bigger punches we have to handle. The way we react, particularly in the presence of young children, can have a powerful, lasting impression. When those unexpected trials come our way, it is merely a testament to the power of music. Think of all the many times in your life you have been touched by the presence of music....your first dance, a favorite movie scene, a favorite inspirational hymn, a special song at a wedding or funeral....all of these musical elements enhance our lives and turn these moments into memories. That's what Kindermusik has taught me. Life isn't always what we expect...but if we listen closely with our hearts through the bumpy spots, smooth sailing is just around the corner!

Friday, May 7, 2010

A Mother's Gift of Song

As we celebrate Mother's Day this week, I wanted to take a moment and reflect on some of the joys being surrounded by such a wonderful group of mothers has brought me. As a Kindermusik educator, I am frequently surrounded by the laughter of children and all the many happy sounds of a musical classroom. This past week something wonderful happened in my classroom...all the mothers started singing! I sometimes find myself singing alone or with one brave soul from the group, but this week I really noticed all the moms in all my classes really singing...and singing beautifully! What a wonderful gift of song we can give to our children.
Children are naturally in tune with the sound of the mother's voice. Even while still in the womb a baby can recognize the mother's voice. Through music we are able to reach a new and very satisfying level of communication with our children. Lullabies remain the number one tool to calm a restless child, seasonal songs enhance life's celebrations of joy and remembrance, hymns inspire us, and music surrounds our daily activities in all walks of life. Wether it's your first ABC song, a special lullaby, your first birthday song or something that's just plain hokey-pokey.....
Congratulations all you Kindermusik mothers on a job well sung!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Baby's First Instrument

The human voice is perhaps one of the most fascinating instruments around. With a background in piano performance, I have had to bear the burden of a tremendously heavy instrument that just does not travel well at all! How lucky we are to have a mobile, rechargeable, fully custom personalized instrument whenever we need it...the human voice! Aside from the convenience factor, what's even more amazing is that a child will sing often before his first words are ever formed. Music realized through the human voice is one of the purest forms of expression. Even in the womb, a growing child can recognize and find comfort in the sound of his mother's voice. As a newborn baby begins to grow & develop the vocal chords and lungs are constantly exercised by the baby's cries and coos.
As a Kindermusik educator, I often have people wonder about the appropriateness of putting a very young baby (say....under 6 months) into a music class. This is a common question I encounter & one that first-time parents will often question their own judgement on this matter. The answer is quite clear. Babies cannot walk at a young age, however that does not prevent them from the need to move around. How do they do this? We help them! Babies cannot feed themselves at a young age, however that certainly does not eliminate the need to feed them. Once again, we must help them reach all their needs. Developmental milestones are facilitated through the Kindermusik method, and as parents we must help these babies fine tune their inner rhythms.
One final point, and one that should definitely not be overlooked, is that young children find so much joy through music. Their ability to find a beat pattern through natural rocking movements and first large muscle movements proves the appropriateness and readiness of young children for the music classroom. Babies, even at a very early age (under 6 months) build confidence in their own abilities with the support of a loving family member and a friendly, supportive group of peers. All of these factors speak clearly as to the obvious benefits of an early childhood music program...and the many smiles I see in class everyday are the living proof!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What will my child be doing in a Kindermusik Class?

  • SINGING fosters the development of your child's first and most important instrument - the voice - through vocal exploration, songs, and chants
  • MOVEMENT activities develop body awareness and coordination through synchronized movement, creative movement, drama, and dance
  • PLAYING introduces a variety of musical timbres with various percussion instruments such as the glockenspiel, tambourine, cymbal, wood block, triangle, and drum
  • CREATING stimulates your child's imagination with new sounds and joyful expressions
  • LISTENING cultivates your child's attentiveness to sound discrimination with exposure to music from a wide variety of styles and cultures

Friday, April 2, 2010

Join the Community of Kindermusik Parents

Enrollments are open! Join us today for a prorated tuition discount!
What sounds good to you?
Kindermusik Village Class (ages newborn - 18 months)
Tuesdays 10:00 am - 10:45 am
Thursdays 10:00 am - 10:45 am
Kindermusik Our Time Class (ages 18 months - 3 years)
Thursdays 11:00 am - 11:45 am
Kindermusik Imagine That! Class (ages 3 - 5 years)
Thursdays 3:30 pm - 4:15 pm
Kindermusik PLAYDATES (newborn - 7 years)
Fridays 11:00 - 11:50 *due to licensing agreements, this class will only be offered for a limited time