Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Song of Life

Music classes lately are filled with excitement at coming vacations and trips to the beach. Our summer Kindermusik Playdate theme has been "Creatures at the Ocean"and all the toddlers have enjoyed listening to the sounds of summer. As a resident of Palm Beach, I have the opportunity to be surrounded by this seaside atmosphere year-round. Even so...the last blast of summer is almost here for many families who are trying to catch a few more relaxing moments before the onslaught of juggling busy schedules and back-to-school preparations. This time of year reminds me of the intrinsic value of music as it relates to what we commonly refer to as "running the rat-race." This race to make it to the morning school bus is part of the yearly ritual that we, as parents and caregivers, must endure year after year....after year. (And to think... getting up all night with a hungry, crying infant or a toddler with nightmares wasn't the end of it...there's more?!?) This year my household will be starting kindergarten, freshman year (after 5 years homeschooling) and junior year of high school. I often feel as if I have post-it notes right on my forehead. I am ready for the next task at a moment's notice. Perhaps you've felt this way lately, too...wearing the hat of taxi driver, laundromat and cleaning service, decorator, short order cook, nurse, veterinarian and candlestick maker. That's on top of work and professional life.
Organization is a key element of success. It is a tool that gives us the strength to endure life's busy seasons and calamities and capture the celebrations. And this is where music helps us remember that it's worth it! Music cannot exist without an organizational fact the theory that surrounds music as a whole supports every facet of an intricate and detailed design. As a music lover, pianist, choir director, and Kindermusik educator I am continuously surrounded by music. It has been a constant in my life as long as I can remember. Dedicating my whole life to the musical arts has allowed me the opportunity to study the form and theory; the makeup of the great musical compositions of the best composers and performers throughout history. Without structure, music could not exist. The result of a well thought-out musical composition is a piece of music that stirs the senses, stimulates the mind, and allows us to feel something in another dimension. It has beauty, provokes thought, and is able to withstand the test of time and criticism. The result of a child whose parent/caregivers provides structure and organization is a child who is able to grow up successfully, withstand criticism, and create their own life song. Whenever I arrive at the busy seasons of my life I am reminded of how music is put together, and in a very special way it helps me to put myself back together again. Music is my mind, my retreat, and my livelihood. It is there when I need to dance, sing, cry, or build up my faith. So turn on the radio, whistle a happy tune, and encourage your children and family to develop a love of music. Because without the presence of music in our scattered lives....we are all just notes on the page!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Free Kindermusik At Home with Family and Friends

Palm Beach parents now have the opportunity to receive free Kindermusik at home with family and friends. This mobile program, which travels all over Palm Beach and Martin County for Kindermusik classes and events is centered around the world's leading early childhood music and movement program. Kindermusik birthday parties and playdate opportunities allow you to stay at home and have the fun come to you! Kindermusik with Crystal offers free Kindermusik at your home with the Kindermusik Playdate Hosting Program. When you become a playdate host, it's easy! Just commit to opening one room of your house for 3 or more of your friends & family members who attend and pay a small fee for an educator to go on location with a 45-minute guided music, instrument play and creative dancing playdate. Each session comes with a wonderful take away instrument and CD/download package for each family to enjoy again and again at their home. If you are considering hosting an event such as this, you get the perks of receiving all the materials for free and you pay no other fees! You can choose if you want to host just a one-time gathering or a repeating event which can run up to 5 weeks. It's a great way to schedule time with your child when you know you can be there. Find a time that works for your family. Hosts are asked to provide a space of one room with an open area, child-safe and freshly cleaned. It's perfectly fine to move around your furniture a move aside the coffee table and kick off your shoes! Host families are also asked to provide a child-friendly access to one bathroom and have all attending guests sign a liability waiver at the start of the first session. If you are interested in becoming a Kindermusik host or if you would like more information on birthday parties, please contact