Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kindermusik helps Palm Beach Preschoolers Thrive

There's a new Kindermusik program that's helping Palm Beach preschoolers thrive. Developed by Kindermusik International, ABC Music & Me is an early childhoold literacy program that uses music as the vehicle for learning. It's the perfect blend of essential ingredients that will have lasting benefits for your child in school and beyond. No matter your age, everyone has the innate desire to be good at something. Successful completion of seemingly simple tasks can be overwhelming and frustrating to a young preschooler. At a time when so many new skills are learned, the acquisition of language is mastered and children gain independence at self-care tasks, new information is coming at the three and four year old at lightning speed. Preschool children seek out this independence, yet at the same time they need constant approval and praise. This “clingy” behavior as some people mistakenly label it, is not the fault of the child and is often misinterpreted as bad behavior. Any parent can relate to the scenario of hearing your child saying “Watch what I can do…” over and over…and over again. “Did you see me? Are you listening…?” and then the tears begin. What that child is really asking for is approval and acceptance. Gaining confidence is the number one barrier many children lack when they encounter problems with schoolwork or social behaviors. Achieving this early on the educational pathway lays a lasting foundation for continued success.
Kindermusik provides a healthy environment for the preschool child because it perfectly combines a child’s need for attention, closely guided instruction, peer support, and most importantly age appropriate materials that provide a spark for the child’s imaginative thought processes to develop. This is a skill they will carry with them for a lifetime. Through creative play, group singing, instrument exploration, and imaginative storytelling, children thrive because it is the environment they feel most comfortable in! Having children complete worksheets or specific and uniform tasks is not the goal of a Kindermusik classroom. The overall goal is to provide a nourishing environment in which a child can achieve a great deal of satisfaction. Children gain confidence and learn how to share in so many valuable ways. We believe that wiggles and giggles is the best way to learn at this young age. Over thirty years of research and careful development from a qualified team of doctors, psychologists, and talented musicians stands behind Kindermusik. You’re already doing everything you can to be a great parent. Kindermusik makes this job even easier because it fine-tunes your child’s listening skills, ability to focus, and communicate thoughts effectively in a social environment. Anything you want to know about Kindermusik or how to enroll in the nearest class near you can be found at Preschool music classes are currently offered after school at First Presbyterian Preschool in Tequesta. For more information on this location visit or email with your questions.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Palm Beach Kindermusik Studio Supports Home Learning

Young children thrive on the interaction they receive from friends and family members in the early years of learning. Creating successful and meaningful interactions for your children can give them lifelong lasting benefits you may be unaware of. The first three years of life present enormous challenges as the human mind and body adapts to new forms of communication and mobility. Kindermusik is the leading early childhood music program which embraces both these aspects of early learning and combines them in an engaging and fantastically fun experience. The one thing perhaps that sets Kindermusik apart from other programs is the focus on the family. Home learning is the basis for creating a confident, creative and capable child who can then go out and succeed in school and beyond. Every child in a Kindermusik class, playdate, or summer camp receives home materials. These can be used at home or on the go and are a great learning tool for your child. Now it is easier than ever to receive great Kindermusik products, classes & playdates absolutely free! When you host a one-time Kindermusik Playdate or one-month Kindermusik Adventure in your home there is no charge for the class or home materials for your child. In return, you are asked to invite at least 3 friends over. The cost is very reasonable, and children thrive in the home learning environment. Host homes are asked to provide one child-safe room with a large open area (generally moving the coffee table aside and covering toys or removing them from the space will do!) Also, for the younger classes access to a bathroom or changing area is requested. If you are interested in scheduling a Kindermusik Playdate in the Palm Beach or Martin County area please contact Kindermusik with Crystal at 561-222-9952 or via email at Remember...a good beginning never ends! Start at home.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Song of Life

Music classes lately are filled with excitement at coming vacations and trips to the beach. Our summer Kindermusik Playdate theme has been "Creatures at the Ocean"and all the toddlers have enjoyed listening to the sounds of summer. As a resident of Palm Beach, I have the opportunity to be surrounded by this seaside atmosphere year-round. Even so...the last blast of summer is almost here for many families who are trying to catch a few more relaxing moments before the onslaught of juggling busy schedules and back-to-school preparations. This time of year reminds me of the intrinsic value of music as it relates to what we commonly refer to as "running the rat-race." This race to make it to the morning school bus is part of the yearly ritual that we, as parents and caregivers, must endure year after year....after year. (And to think... getting up all night with a hungry, crying infant or a toddler with nightmares wasn't the end of it...there's more?!?) This year my household will be starting kindergarten, freshman year (after 5 years homeschooling) and junior year of high school. I often feel as if I have post-it notes right on my forehead. I am ready for the next task at a moment's notice. Perhaps you've felt this way lately, too...wearing the hat of taxi driver, laundromat and cleaning service, decorator, short order cook, nurse, veterinarian and candlestick maker. That's on top of work and professional life.
Organization is a key element of success. It is a tool that gives us the strength to endure life's busy seasons and calamities and capture the celebrations. And this is where music helps us remember that it's worth it! Music cannot exist without an organizational fact the theory that surrounds music as a whole supports every facet of an intricate and detailed design. As a music lover, pianist, choir director, and Kindermusik educator I am continuously surrounded by music. It has been a constant in my life as long as I can remember. Dedicating my whole life to the musical arts has allowed me the opportunity to study the form and theory; the makeup of the great musical compositions of the best composers and performers throughout history. Without structure, music could not exist. The result of a well thought-out musical composition is a piece of music that stirs the senses, stimulates the mind, and allows us to feel something in another dimension. It has beauty, provokes thought, and is able to withstand the test of time and criticism. The result of a child whose parent/caregivers provides structure and organization is a child who is able to grow up successfully, withstand criticism, and create their own life song. Whenever I arrive at the busy seasons of my life I am reminded of how music is put together, and in a very special way it helps me to put myself back together again. Music is my mind, my retreat, and my livelihood. It is there when I need to dance, sing, cry, or build up my faith. So turn on the radio, whistle a happy tune, and encourage your children and family to develop a love of music. Because without the presence of music in our scattered lives....we are all just notes on the page!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Free Kindermusik At Home with Family and Friends

Palm Beach parents now have the opportunity to receive free Kindermusik at home with family and friends. This mobile program, which travels all over Palm Beach and Martin County for Kindermusik classes and events is centered around the world's leading early childhood music and movement program. Kindermusik birthday parties and playdate opportunities allow you to stay at home and have the fun come to you! Kindermusik with Crystal offers free Kindermusik at your home with the Kindermusik Playdate Hosting Program. When you become a playdate host, it's easy! Just commit to opening one room of your house for 3 or more of your friends & family members who attend and pay a small fee for an educator to go on location with a 45-minute guided music, instrument play and creative dancing playdate. Each session comes with a wonderful take away instrument and CD/download package for each family to enjoy again and again at their home. If you are considering hosting an event such as this, you get the perks of receiving all the materials for free and you pay no other fees! You can choose if you want to host just a one-time gathering or a repeating event which can run up to 5 weeks. It's a great way to schedule time with your child when you know you can be there. Find a time that works for your family. Hosts are asked to provide a space of one room with an open area, child-safe and freshly cleaned. It's perfectly fine to move around your furniture a move aside the coffee table and kick off your shoes! Host families are also asked to provide a child-friendly access to one bathroom and have all attending guests sign a liability waiver at the start of the first session. If you are interested in becoming a Kindermusik host or if you would like more information on birthday parties, please contact

Friday, June 10, 2011

Summer Music for Young Children

Make plans to attend a free demo class June 30th! The new studio at Capitelli's Music will be open and you can come by to meet the instructor and experience a slice of what Kindermusik is all about. Capitelli's Music is located on Indiantown Rd. two blocks west of Alt A1A. Please stop by with your child June 30th either in the morning at 10am or after lunch at 2pm for a meet & greet information and class presentation. You can pre-register for July classes, too! The summer schedule offers a Family-Style ABC Music & Me mini-session for families with children ages 5 & under. This class begins the second week of July and is popular among working parents with evenings times on Tues. & Thurs. at 5:30 & 6:30pm. Another great option for summer is the mommy & me Kindermusik Adventures classes. There are two age groups for this, 18 months & younger on Wed. mornings at 9:30am and toddlers at 10:30am. All the Kindermusik classes come with a home activity kit, which allows you to enjoy the music & learning year round! Every student takes home a CD, activity booklet & instrument to use during class & enjoy at home...or on the go! Registrations are now being accepted for Summer Kindermusik classes. If you have further questions about this program, please contact licensed educator Crystal Davis at 561-222-9952.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Kindermusik Offers Summer Fun for Palm Beach County Families

Now that Easter is over and the last month of school is upon us, you may be wondering what to do with all that extra time when the kids are out of preschool! Kindermusik has many options to fit the schedule of busy families. New mini-sessions are being offered throughout the summer months, providing indoor musical play with the family. Although we've been in drought mode for several months, the rains WILL come and you may find yourself stuck indoors with some very wiggly and active children. Starting in June, you can sign up for our Summer Splash! which is a family-style Kindermusik class for families with children ages 5 & under. This is not your typical mommy & me class. Dads and grandpas, friends, aunts & uncles, caregivers and relatives from out of town are invited to join the fun as we sing & dance, laugh & play our way through each action-packed class. With the downturn in the economy, we are sensitive to financial issues and want to make Kindermusik accessible to every child, regardless of their background or income. Summer Splash! is an amazing opportunnity to attend Kindermusik with all the same research-based quality learning experiences at a very affordable price of just $35! For the price of a meal, you can give your child a great beginning to a lifetime love of music. Children love coming to class with their whole family and eagerly participate in group dancing, creative play & imaginative instrument play when they have the support of loving family members. Kindermusik is all about embracing the total child. With over thirty years of proven research and new curriculum development, Kindermusik is the world's leader in early childhood development programs. Music is used as the vehicle for learning early literacy skills, cooperation in a group environment, and most importantly they gain confidence in trying new things. What's even better? We now have a brand new evening class "Pajama Mamas" for busy, working moms and dads. Bring the kids in their pajamas and help them settle down with an evening Kindermusik session. It's a great way to end a long day, reduce stress at home, and give your child the much-needed attention they want and deserve. Registration is now open. Class size is limited to 12 children, so don't wait! Call instructor Crystal Davis at 561-222-9952 to learn more about summer Kindermusik options for your family. You'll be so glad you did!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Value of Parenting

Young children, particularly under the age of seven, are particularly drawn to imaginary play. In this day and age with the advent of technology through hand-held game devices and internet options, parents of young children are faced with a multitude of choices when it comes to educating and entertaining young minds. Too often we believe that the quality of our children's experiences is somehow tied to a price tag. It is difficult to see beyond the five-year old child who plays with an i-touch in their spare time when I myself do not even own an i-pod device. There are times when I find myself in the waiting room of my daughter's gymnastics team or the appointments at my son's orthodontist and am quite surprised by the number of technological devices that are purchased and used to stifle children. And, yes I bear the guilty mark of turning on the television now and then for a few "quiet moments to myself" when I'd like my four-year old to settle down for the day. It is through my daily experiences and observations that I have come to ask myself the question, "Are we, am I, really doing these children a favor by giving them expensive toys that limit activity, decrease family interactions, and by and large create solitary worlds?" The answer is clear. No, these are tools of our time that we now use on a daily basis to somehow "get through the day." Recently over the past few weeks I have made a concerted effort to put the DVDs back in the cabinet and get back to imaginary play with my children. I have been amazed at the response from my youngest daughter, who is almost five, in particular. She can literally play in the world of make-believe for hours on end. It doesn't cost me a dime. We are creating memories that she will live with forever...memories that won't wind up in the dumpster when the toy breaks or the batteries run low. With parenting, we have to remember that we are the ultimate resource for our children. So often we get consumed with finding the perfect friends, finding the best toys, the perfect school, the best communities....the list goes on. Don't get me wrong. These are all noble and good things to consider. Any parent wants what is best for their children. However, it seems that in our modern world we have somehow lost our sense of the value of family, parenting in particular. Lately I have found myself growing tired, growing more gray hair, getting more wrinkles than ever before. However, with the aging process comes wisdom and experience. I must remind myself that as a parent, I DO have a rechargeable battery, and that my children really enjoy imaginary play, much more than I may have realized. Through this process, I have also found it to be therapeutic. It is quite relaxing and a process of renewal to come up with creative ideas, build new "homes" for my family (although they may be a family of stuffed animals and plastic action figures!), and take "trips" that only last for the afternoon. In fact, just yesterday we spend the afternoon at what my daughter referred to as "Walt Town City" (aka Disney World) It is a good therapy for me to momentarily escape the trials of my daily life, bills, taxes, obligations and so forth. Like any parent, I find myself at my wit's end sometimes. I find myself at the end of my rope often. I find my bank account to be small and there are daily troubles & tribulations I must deal with...somehow. But at the end of the day, if I have given my child a piece of myself, if we have played together in an imaginary world right in the midst of our living room, I have given the most valuable gift to my children...the gift of time and attention. I have the rare opportunity of working in a profession that I love. I am a piano teacher, director of children's ministry at my neighborhood church, and a Kindermusik educator. And although my house is not as nice as some people I know, my bank account is not as large, and my life is not perfect, I know without a doubt that there is no more perfect love than the love for a child. Memories created in early childhood stay with us for life. So go ahead...get silly with your kids, roll around on the grass, make a fort out of your dining room, and find the music in your children's laughter. Above all, consider yourself a valuable resource. Young children are the windows of the future. They should not be subdued, they should not be always hushed, and I do not believe they should be limited to confining spaces or activities. For me, this is what Kindermusik is all about. Kindermusik classes bring people together and gives children a sense of family and community through the innate love of music we all possess. Music gives us a common goal and expresses what we cannot always communicate through speech. Life without not the life for me! If you are interested in learning more about early childhood music programs please visit the Kindermusik website at to find an educator near you.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Music Classes in Palm Beach Bring Families Together

There is nothing sweeter than experiencing the joy of a toddler's first musical discoveries and watching tiny faces light up with smiles....except bringing families together to share these special moments in my Palm Beach Kindermusik classroom. Having taught Kindermusik since 1997, I have had the unique opportunity of having a job that I love. One of the things I love most about Kindermusik now more than ever is the addition of family classes. As a mother with 3 children ranging in age from 4 to 15, I am quite aware of the challenges today's busy families face. Family classes are ideal for me as a professional educator and a mom. Having raised three children through the Montessori method and homeschooling for many years, the idea of a blending of age groups is one I support for many reasons. First and foremost, when children are introduced to a variety development stages they take on roles. Some learn by example and others learn by leading. This is a crucial skill that will take any person throughout every stage of life. When a group of peers comes together backed by a family support person, what takes place is a celebration of each person's unique talents. Young children love to be around other children of all sizes, especially when we have babies join us! Music and movement is the focus of a Kindermusik class. We experience that in a jam-packed 30 minute session full of instrument play, singing, dancing, laughing and learning. This past year I have had the wonderful opportunity to provide scholarships to several families in cooperation with the Ruth D. Anderson Children's Fund. This is an amazing program that offers free home materials and tuition-free classes for the period of one year to families whose children may be experiencing developmental delays, have special needs, or who have lost a parent. It has been a truly rewarding experience for me to see these children grow and develop from very tiny, premature babies who have faced many challenges to active, confident and healthy toddlers. The only thing better than watching these transformations is sharing it with other families. Take the half hour your deserve. Spend it with your family and friends at Kindermusik! Family music classes, ABC Music & Me, are offered every week on Wednesday morning and Thursday evenings. For more information on the benefits of music classes and to find your Palm Beach location, just visit

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kindermusik Offers Family Friendly Classes for Palm Beach County Residents

Let's face it. No matter where you are in this world, one thing is certain if you are a parent with young children. The number of programs and activities offered to your family can seem overwhelming. You want to provide a well-rounded experience for your child without overspending or over-committing yourself and your ever-changing "life with kids" lifestyle. Because you are here today, you have made the first step towards selecting a great choice for your child with Kindermusik.
The newest class program offered at First Presbyterian Church of Tequesta offers flexible scheduling for not only stay at home moms, but also working families. ABC Music & Me, created by Kindermusik, is the latest addition to an already outstanding curriculum series which has had proven success worldwide. This new flexible scheduling allows families to participate with families who have multiple siblings, are looking for social activities for their only child, or who are just looking for a playgroup with similar interest. At Kindermusik, that similar interest is the love of learning, sharing life's childhood celebrations in a supportive and creative atmosphere, and embracing the natural rhythms we all share through music and movement activities.
ABC Music & Me is an early literacy program which uses music as the vehicle for learning. It has been successfully integrated into school programs, particularly younger children who exhibit special needs, as an effective and fun educational model. Kindermusik embraces the idea of parent as teacher. Each family is given a take-home read along booklet, music CD and an instrument every month. Families are given the flexibility to continue month-to-month or simply opt for a 4-week session.
Classes are offered Wednesday mornings for stay at home families, then again on Thursday evenings for working families. Anyone who is interested in attending one of these family-style classes should contact Crystal Davis, licensed educator, for a free preview session and to learn more about the amazing benefits of Kindermusik.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kindermusik Classes Help Families Find Even Temperament

The New Year is now upon us as we collectively pull ourselves out of the wrapping paper piles, put forth our best resolutions, and get back to the daily grind. As I make my way back to my Kindermusik classroom I find myself full of resolve to make things clean and orderly. Why do we feel like we have to start over at the start of each new year? I believe this act of renewal through setting resolutions is necessary and helpful in maintaining a sense of what I will call the ABC’s of Even Temperament: Action, Belief, and Consistency. Having grown up studying classical piano music, one of the most important lessons young musicians, particularly pianists, learn is the idea of equal (or even) temperament. Many thanks, hundreds of years later, now to the great composer J.S.Bach. It was he who tackled the problem surrounding keyboard instruments in the Baroque Period….a master at the art of composition. For those of you who are non-musicians, J.S.Bach was the key composer who developed the idea of even temperament. Simply put, that’s what makes a C sound the same at any register, high or low, on the keyboard and sound “in tune” with the same other pitches (or C’s). This was achieved by making sense and order out of the entire tonal system. He remarkably composed a Prelude & Fugue starting on each pitch of the chromatic scale, totaling twelve and then further by modality divisions. He then artfully shaped melodies through contrapuntal techniques into what is often referred to as the pianist’s reference manual for studying each key, The Well-Tempered Clavier, Volumes I & II. This compilation was, in fact, a new beginning for piano music, which brings me back to the topic of resolutions. Maintaining an even temperament can also be applied to the many facets of daily living. This essentially is what takes place when a piano is tuned. Thankfully, we don’t have to tune a piano daily….however the tuning I am referring to is more of a practical sense on how we fine tune our lives through the things we do to “get us through the day”. This can often be a daunting task, particularly when you throw young children, work & school, all surrounded by a hectic schedule into the mix.

The act of setting New Year’s resolutions is one that can and should be shared as a family, particularly if there are very young children in the house. There is no replacement for teaching young children behavior patterns than through example. Expecting children under the age of 5 to do things simply “by being told to do so” simply does not fit their scope of understanding. Young children thrive on interaction. There’s my A-word: ACTION! A child cannot simply learn the alphabet and then be expected to read. A child must be read to again and again. Children learn the alphabet by singing the ABC song, not by reciting it through speech. Learning how to say please and thank you are phrases we must practice with our children for many years. Babies learn how to speak by mimicking the sounds they hear at home, particularly the sound of the mother’s voice. With all this in mind, it is not realistic to expect a child to come home from kindergarten with a firm grasp on what a resolution is, or how to go about achieving it. One of the best gifts you can give to your child is the gift of your time. Take time from your busy day, even for just a few minutes, and intentionally set goals together that will strengthen your home life and lead you to a place that is more manageable, realistic, and above all tangible in your daily life’s routine. Incorporating music and song into your daily routine is a wonderful way to accomplish this. Whether it’s taking time to relax at the end of a long day, singing a favorite lullaby together at bedtime, or making up a silly traveling song you can sing together in the car.

Setting a New Year’s Resolution is only the first step towards attaining our goals. This is where my B-word comes in….BELIEF! We have all heard the saying “You can do anything you put your mind to…” but has anyone ever stopped to think about what that
really means or explain that phrase to a child? A young child who is still formulating new ideas about the world surrounding them has a more concrete grasp on the physical involvement with something rather than abstract ideas. If you ask a child “do you think you can balance on one leg?” he may be apprehensive or show fear. However, if you said to that same child “I think you might be able to balance on one leg. Let’s see if I can do it, too” the child will most likely show excitement and gain confidence prior to the task. This one of the reasons why participating in music and movement programs for young children (such as Kindermusik) is so effective. It speaks directly to the child in a language and format they can understand, exhibit, and remember.

As a pianist, the idea of fine-tuning one’s life has many applications in music and the world that surrounds us in sound. Music has always been the tool I have used to try to achieve this even temperament in the same world we all live in, despite our diversities. However, this even temperament is not something that happens overnight. Learning to play a musical instrument teaches children my C-word: CONSISTENCY! Goals cannot be reached without constant dedication and commitment. Starting a regular music-time pattern at home with young children will ensure future success in every facet of life because they will have gone through the process of regularity through repetition and reaction to a constructive process. It is my personal belief as a music educator that this constructive process can help anyone fine-tune their life to a happier, more fulfilling and gratifying way of life…and that’s worth singing about! For more information about Kindermusik classes that can help you achieve these goals with young children please visit to find an educator near you.