Sunday, December 5, 2010

Music Classes for Toddlers: A Top Ten List

Congratulations! You are here today because you have made the first step in considering early childhood education through music classes for your baby or toddler. The education of your children is a matter that should not be taken lightly and you certainly don't want to waste your money on a potentially frustrating experience. There are so many classes and programs out there to choose from, so you'll want to do your homework! A little extra effort on your part could save a lot of hassle and regret down the road. Kindermusik classes provide your child with an excellent foundation for learning that is manifest not only in the classroom, but where the most important learning takes home! Kindermusik provides only quality home materials that when used in correlation with the aid of a music professional, can and will increase reading skills, mathematical components such as spacial reasoning, build confidence through a supportive peer group and strengthen the most important bond between parent and child. The Kindermusik philosophy embraces the family relationship and is dedicated to fostering that special relationship so that children have an amazing foundation to grow from. That's why over thirty years of careful and dedicated research have gone into creating a top-notch program. Below is a "Top Ten List" to help you find the RIGHT teacher for your child. When looking for a qualified instructor, there are many things to consider. Let this serve as a guide that I, not only as an educator, but also as a mother of three would be looking for in a music teacher:
1. Reliability - The success of music education is, like anything, dependent on a teacher's ability to BE THERE WHEN NEEDED! Have you gotten the run-around lately? Is no one returning your calls? This could be perhaps due to the teacher's lack of reliability. A teacher cannot expect results from a student at any age when they themselves do not exhibit patterns of reliability.
2. Got the chops? - You wouldn't hire a mechanic to cater your party. Why? Because they're just not qualified!! MANY people LOVE music, have a passion for it...well, because it's great! However, this love of music should not be confused with musical expertise. A great rule of thumb when hiring a music teacher should be first and foremost to ask that person to play their instrument or sing for you. A qualified teacher will have no problem sharing their talents. Someone who is maybe not so qualified will hesitate upon this request. You be the judge!
3. Passion for Music - You've got to love this business to be in it!
4. Credibility - Is your child's teacher certified or does she/he hold any special licensing that requires regular continuing education or childhood development courses? Does your child's teacher know how to manage a classroom?
5. Proven Success - Do students return to this teacher? Have you talked with any other parents in the studio or community?
6. Caring Attitude - Music can be challenging at any level. A good teacher will provide a clear set of expectations and also be flexible. Every student, every situation is individualized and a good teacher will recognize this.
7. Determination - I have heard so many people in their adult life reflect back on negative experiences with music teachers. I often hear "my teacher told me I was hopeless...that I couldn't sing....that I should consider "something else." EVERY PERSON has a musical capacity. A good teacher will point out the positives and work diligently to eliminate any negative components. A lazy teacher will point out that her students are the lazy ones.
8. Goal-Oriented - Does your child's teacher set attainable goals for your student? This could be at any level, whether it's taking a few extra seconds in a classroom environment to make sure a child shares an instrument with the person sitting next to them or puts things away appropriately, to an older instrumental student who is expected to practice daily. The bottom line is...does the teacher's students know what is expected of them? A child cannot be expected to succeed when they do not know what the expectations are to begin with!
9. Organized & timely - Does your child's teacher seem prepared? Does it seem like your child's teacher is "just winging it?" or does the teacher seem comfortable with the materials they are teaching. Family life is busy, and a music lesson can be one stop on a long chain of many appointments for the day. A good teacher will respect time limitations for everyone involved.
10. Good with children - Just because someone can play an instrument or sing like a bird does NOT make them good with children! Look for certified, licensed teachers who have a PROVEN background history of working with children in your child's age group. When visiting a class for the first time, look for clues that indicate interaction with your child. Does the teacher call the children by name? Does the teacher make eye contact with every student? Does the teacher communicate at the level of the children in a language they can understand?
Please use this set of guidelines as a help in making that crucial decision and allowing someone to enter the life of your child.
Kindermusik classes are now enrolling with sessions starting in January. Contact your local educator today to see how music classes for your baby or toddler can benefit your family. For more information please contact or call anytime at 561-222-9952.