Friday, June 10, 2011

Summer Music for Young Children

Make plans to attend a free demo class June 30th! The new studio at Capitelli's Music will be open and you can come by to meet the instructor and experience a slice of what Kindermusik is all about. Capitelli's Music is located on Indiantown Rd. two blocks west of Alt A1A. Please stop by with your child June 30th either in the morning at 10am or after lunch at 2pm for a meet & greet information and class presentation. You can pre-register for July classes, too! The summer schedule offers a Family-Style ABC Music & Me mini-session for families with children ages 5 & under. This class begins the second week of July and is popular among working parents with evenings times on Tues. & Thurs. at 5:30 & 6:30pm. Another great option for summer is the mommy & me Kindermusik Adventures classes. There are two age groups for this, 18 months & younger on Wed. mornings at 9:30am and toddlers at 10:30am. All the Kindermusik classes come with a home activity kit, which allows you to enjoy the music & learning year round! Every student takes home a CD, activity booklet & instrument to use during class & enjoy at home...or on the go! Registrations are now being accepted for Summer Kindermusik classes. If you have further questions about this program, please contact licensed educator Crystal Davis at 561-222-9952.