Friday, August 20, 2010

Babies in Jupiter and Palm Beach Love Music Time!

There are so many reasons for babies and moms to love music. Not only is music so incredibly fun, Kindermusik classes for babies and toddlers in Jupiter and Palm Beach provide a supportive community of parents and babies that share and care for one another. There is no other time in our lives when we need affirmation, education, support, and community more than as new parents. Parents strive to know if their child is developing "normally" and seek out affirmation for making "the right choices" when it comes to raising fragile young minds and eager bodies!
In the Kindermusik classroom, particularly the babies Village class, there is a multi-age atmosphere where little ones are changing more rapidly than at any other time in their development. Therefore, a wide range of choices are presented for each activity so that parents can creatively and successfully engage babies that are very young lap babies to babies that are walkers already. Through a variety of activities such as interactive dancing, instrument and vocal play, and multi-sensory learning activities, families experience the joy of music in a trusting atmosphere where children are nourished and parents are encouraged.
Classes are now enrolling for the Fall Session of Kindermusik Classes which will be held in Tequesta. Anyone interested should view to learn more about the world's leading music and movement program for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and big kids right here in Jupiter, Tequesta and Palm Beach.

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