Thursday, September 16, 2010

Singing to Babies Builds Lasting Foundations

One of the most delightful things about singing to a classroom of babies in a Kindermusik class is watching the joyful expressions these young children exhibit again & again through music and movement activities. Parent involvement at home is one of the key components of the Kindermusik program. It doesn't matter if you are a wonderful singer, or even if you think you can't carry a tune, your baby loves the sound of your voice more than any other. Singing a silly song around the house by incorporating specific names and labels for what you are doing throughout your daily routine is a memorable, soothing, and fun activity for your baby. When learning is presented in a multi-sensory environment neural connections are made that actually help your baby to build balance, coordination & confidence. It's a win-win! A very young baby from birth to six months will often respond will full body movements and happy little wiggles. Babies at this age prefer the sound of a familiar voice and will look for that. A slightly older baby from 6 months to one year will be able to grasp a rattle to shake with the music and they will often clap. This movement should be encouraged and is very exciting for the infant to experience. By the age of one year hand-eye coordination is increased and a baby can have a full understanding of a drum or keyboard instrument and understand how to produce the sound. How exciting! In the Kindermusik Village class a blending of ages from newborn - 18 months lets children learn through following the examples of peers, taking on leadership roles, and maintaining an emotional balance with the ever-present support of a loving caregiver. These are all qualities we strive to teach our children at home and in school. Attending Kindermusik classes is a wonderful option for parents who are looking for an excellent musical foundation with benefits that will affect the total child.

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